Sunday, March 29, 2009

sunday, sunday

After such and eventful Saturday, my Sunday turned out to be very relaxing and low key so that I could recuperate for the work week ahead. I was supposed go with some girls to a church in one of the townships, but that fell through so I went back to Hillsong. My roommate Elizabeth went ahead early and Mwaka wasn’t going today, so I was on my own to get to church. I hate spending the money on a cab if the place is in any sort of walking distance, so I decided to trek out on my own to find church. I’ve walked home from church before, but never to church and never alone. I memorized the map in my head and started my walk – it’s probably a couple miles. I found my way perfectly and walked the whole way without anxiety or fear. Part of that is probably me getting used to the city, but I think much of it comes from the prayer I’ve been praying for God to fill my heart with love for all the people of this country, including those I pass by on the streets. Because “perfect love casts out all fear,” I feel like my anxieties are gone and I have love in my heart and an assurance of protection from someone far greater than me. What a blessing.

I ended up spending the afternoon on the roof, reading and catching up on journal time. The comment from Caroline in my journal today was, “Eye hat not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” I Corinthians 2:9. I have a pretty big imagination, so to think that God has prepared something greater for me than I can imagine is mind-boggling! I feel like I’ve accomplished some of what I imagined for myself on this trip, but I know that what God has planned for me is far greater and I pray that I will be open to His revelation of that to me that I might be able to accomplished the great things He has in mind. The next verse of that scripture goes on to say, “But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit.” I pray that my heart would be open to that revelation.

Our 2 new additions to the Child Life team join us this week and I am so excited for that! Hopefully we’ll be able be inspired by fresh team members and expand and improve our services throughout the hospital. Speaking of which – I forgot to mention something that happened the other day and wanted to include it before I forgot. The head burn surgeon was talking with Caroline the other day and told her that at first he wasn’t sure what to think about us coming in and providing services he didn’t really deem necessary. However, after he has seen the affect it has had on the kids – especially in surgery, he is a big supporter of Child Life. In his own words – “there’s no more of that crying and carrying on” in the operating room. ☺ How great to have that affirmation.

I got a chance to talk to my friend Caroline from home tonight. What a blessing to hear a familiar voice. ☺ I am so appreciative of the support she has been for me on this trip. She has challenged me every step of the way to truly accomplish great things here and I am so thankful for that. In our discussion she asked me to pray for some things in her life, stating that she knew I had lots of other things to pray about here. I wanted to make sure you all knew that while you are praying for me – I have not forgotten to continue in my prayers for you. Even though I’m far away, I daily remember you and your needs and pray that God’s blessing will be upon you.

I love you!


  1. Dear Cara,

    Just read your Sunday blog. Natahn has brought over your past blogs and is teaching me how to get ahold of you on the internet. I hope I can do this. We'll see! This might be the last time you hear from me.

    I have really enjoyed your blogs, especially the one about being present with the little girl who was badly burned, and I can't tell you how beautiful I thought your experience was, and how much it affected me. God's love really came through, and I thank you for it. It choked me up. I love that song you hummed for her and want to remember it too.

    I went to church at the Groves today and Cindy sang a capella for her two songs and they were beautiful. I took Cindy, Charles and Diane and myself to lunch at the Groves and it was good. And now Nathan is typing this for me.


  2. I love your blogs also. It is fascinating how you have the energy left to blog every day with so many heart touching stories.
